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Blog post not looking good on smartphone

  • 1. Remove this CSS:

    .single-post.full-width-content :is(.inside-article, .comments-area ) {
        padding-inline: 20px;

    2. Add this CSS instead:

    .full-width-content:is(.single-post,.page) :is(.inside-article, .comments-area ) {
        padding-inline: 20px;

    Then this will add back padding to the single posts and pages that have been set to Full Width.

  • Thank you David.

    I need help here and clarification.

    1. First, I did not have to do the change you said. I found the “CSS instead” already in my child theme. So either I’m wrong in saying so (and quite tired, which my explain) or your support team already implemented it? They asked for an Admin access to my site on two occasions in the past 2 to 3 weeks. Btw, the login credentials were already in the PI field info of this request, so it may explain why…

    2. Can you please have a look at my home page on smartphone. There is white padding on the right and left sides of the pages. I did not have that before and I do not want that.

    3. Generally speaking, I feel confused because:
    a. I selected a site from the GP Site Library to avoid having to take care about the overall layout (padding, margin, resolution, responsiveness)
    b. I made sure to ONLY replace the images of the templates with mine making sure they have the EACT same size in Photoshop to avoid breaking anything in terms of layout (since I’m not a coder, just a book authors, you understand where I don’t want to go…)
    c. I had to report some issues about the layout even with me not customizing it.
    d. I have the impression that every time the support team tells me to add something or adds by themselves to fix the layout of one post or one page, it creates another layout issues on another page (look at my home page for example) or another post.

    Since your team/you have an Admin access, could please fix this one and for all. That way, you’ll also gain time in terms of support with respect to this recurring issue.

    Please see no complaint or reproach here (I prefer to be explicit about it since English is not my mother tongue). I’m just reporting a summary of the multiple back and forth on that standard Coach GP Theme Library and its reaction on smartphone Vs desktop PC. I thought i was interesting feedback for you. And trying to find the best, quickest resolution.

    Thank you so much for your understanding and help.

  • I tried logging in but the credentials you have shared aren’t working. Can you check if they are correct?

  • Hello,

    There is white spacing on the left and right hand sides of SOME of my blog pages. How to fix this please?

    As already explained, I used a template from the GP Site Library to avoid having to deal with this, but there is this issue of the background colors of my sections not going fullscreen BOTH on desktop and smartphone for some of my pages. Can you please click the 6 Options (Homme, Blog, My Latest Book,…) of my menu and see.

    Can you please help me fix that?
    It’s now been several months that I have been trying to get your help and I even shared my WordPress login credentials based on your request in some posts on this support forum.

    Thank you for your support.

  • Can you link us to your site?

  • URL in the PI field.

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