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Border image radius has weird effect

  • Hi,

    I recently created topic about border radius on images has no effect. The support helped me but I am still having issues with few images. It seems like border radius works only for one corner of few images. You can see it at section “Best Hotels in/on” – but in different blog post it’s working just fine like here – I just copied the same container from the page where it’s working well. I have no idea what could be wrong here. Thanks for helping me.

  • Hi there,

    so is related to the previous issue, as the image converter moves the GB Classes from the <img> to the injected <html> element.
    So in your Image Block Settings you have defined a Width and Height of 250px.
    Due to the converted it sets the <picture> to that size.

    But the <img> inside it is only 200px x 200px so it doesn’t fill the box and therefore you don’t see the border radius on it….

    Option A
    Adjust the Image Block settings so the width and height are no greater then the image they contain eg. 200px.

    Option B
    Add this CSS:

    picture img {
        width: 100%;
        height: auto;

    This will force any picture img to fill the space.

  • Thank you very much David! You are great.

    CSS code fixed the issue.

    Wish you a lovely day.

  • Glad to hear that.
    And you too!

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