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Can we have each Tabs Button with its own color bg?

  • Hi,

    Is it me or I can’t seem to select different background colours for each tab button?

    After setting the background colour for the first tab, I go change the second tab and all tabs changed in sync!

    Surely there must be a way and it’s just too early in the morning for my brain to function, but I can;t seem to get it going, help!


  • Hi there,

    You would need a custom CSS. Try this:

    .gb-container-08e02125 button:nth-child(1) {
    	background-color: white;
    .gb-container-08e02125 button:nth-child(2) {
    	background-color: red;
    .gb-container-08e02125 button:nth-child(3) {
    	background-color: orange;
    .gb-container-08e02125 button:nth-child(4) {
    	background-color: blue;
    .gb-container-08e02125 button:nth-child(5) {
    	background-color: green;

    Adjust the background-color value according to your preference.

  • Ah, OK, yeah, I can use css to fix this, however, using the GB interface would be way more easier and the settings are there, I just don’t get why are they all linked!

    For example, in my view, it makes no sense at all that I can set each tab button with its own icon, but can’t set a background colour!

    You guys need to fix this.


  • Hi Alvind,

    I implemented your solution, however, when the Tabs load the first time, the first tab comes up with the Background Colour assigned and not in the Active Tab state!

    How do I go about fixing that?

    I would also like that on a:hover the Tab Button Colours would invert, where’s currently the background stay the same (hover should be white).


  • Add this CSS for the active and hover state:

    .gb-container-08e02125 .gb-block-is-current {
    	background-color: white !important;
    .gb-container-08e02125 button:hover {
    	background-color: white !important;

    Regarding the ability to set a different color for tab buttons, it’s something we’re going to improve in a future version. Thank you for your feedback!

  • Hi Alvind,

    Thanks that sorted the issue.


  • You’re welcome!

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