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Can’t activate Site Library

  • I have GeneratePress Premium. I can’t seem to activate the following Modules: Blog, Disable Elements, Menu Plus, and, most important, Site Library.

    All other modules work.

  • Hi there,

    Can you try resaving the Permalink settings to see if that fixes the issue?

    If that doesn’t help, try changing the structure to Plain, click save, then switch it back to Day and Name.

    Let me know 🙂

  • Strange, before I changed it to Post Name and Custome Structure, it still did not work.

    Now I just changed it to Plain, and it worked!

    Now I have a new issue. The Permalink is set to “Plain”, but I need it to be “Custom Structure”.

    When I set it to “Custom Structure, it resets back to “Plain”. Seems like it refuses to change.

    Any advice on this?

  • Hi Canadageorge,

    GP has no control over that. What custom structure are you trying to apply?

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