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category name and category description in Dynamic data

  • Hi,

    I’m trying to create a custom category page.
    At the top I want the categorys name exampel “Pillows”, and under the heading I want the category description.
    I’m using the Headline block, and trying to access the name and the description in Dynamic data, but it doesn’t seems to work.
    I have figured out how to get category description with using the old block “Dynamic Content” and choosing “Term description”. But there is no where to find the category name field.
    I have been trying to use “Title” as content source in Dynamic content, but when doing that, it just pulls the title from the newest blogpost in that category.

    So how do I make a nice custom category archive page? 🙂

    Best regards

  • hi there,

    To fetch the title of the category archive, try using the GP dynamic option in the floating bar, and set it to title:

  • Perfect thanks!
    Can I do the same with the category description or do I need to use the block ““Dynamic Content”? I rather use the heading block for more customization. 🙂

  • Hi there,

    for now you need to use the GP Dynamic Content block to display the Term Description.
    You can place it inside a GB Container Block, where you can apply styles including Typography and the dynamic content will inherit those styles.

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