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Category pages – Loop Template – Image bug

  • Hello Generate support team,

    I’m currently redesigning my website using GeneratePress and GenerateBlocks, and I have a bug with one of my category pages. When I upload an image in the backend, it shows me an image from another post on the front.

    More detailed explanation:
    I have a category page for a game I cover called Borderlands 2, in this category page I have another sub-category for the Easter eggs (I use Elements, Loop Template), then I have a post for each Easter Egg.

    Borderlands 2 > Easter Eggs > Posts (Minecraft, Darksouls, etc.)

    When I write and upload an Easter Egg post, such as a Minecraft, the image in that post replaces the image on the Easter Egg Category page.

    I hope it’s clear enough,

    Thank you,


  • Hi there,

    But as soon as I publish the posts Minecraft or Dark Souls (are currently in draft) the image in my Easter egg category pages changes to either Minecraft or Dark Souls.

    Yes, that’s expected behaviour, as the category does not have a featured image. The background featured image of the page hero is pulled from the first post.

    To have a specific category image for each category:

    Scenario 1:
    If you do not have many categories, then create one page hero per category and use static background image will be easier.

    Scenario 2:
    If you have many categories, then you need to create a custom field for taxonomy > category. And then it will require some coding to get the background image from the term meta.

    Let me know.

  • Hello Ying,

    Thank you for your answer.

    I’ve tried solution 1:
    I’ve created a page hero; the background image is showing up correctly, but the image gets replaced as soon as I publish a post within the Easter Egg category.
    Maybe I’m not understanding what you mean by “use static backgound image”, could you please be more explicit?

    Also, how come the category page “Borderlands 2” doesn’t have this strange behavior?
    I’ve uploaded posts, for example Axton, Maya, etc. and it’s all working well. I’m trying to understand.

    Have a great day,


  • Maybe I’m not understanding what you mean by “use static backgound image”, could you please be more explicit?

    It means disabling the dynamic background image for the container. You can check 2 places and disable them:

    1. Dynamic data in the floating toolbar:

    2. Dynamic data in the right sidebar:

    Also, how come the category page “Borderlands 2” doesn’t have this strange behavior?

    You used a “static background” image in the loop template. That’s what I mean.

    I see the Minecraft easter egg post being published, but i don’t see the hero image of the category changes to Minecraft. This is what i see:

    Have you already fixed it?

  • Hello Ying,

    Thank you for the explanations; it’s all working fine now.

    Have a great day

  • You are welcome   🙂

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