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Center container

  • hello,

    i´m not able to center a container with it´s gallery. I tried block, inline, flex everything.

    Maybe you could have a look….

    The url is

    there are currently a redirection for not loged in users….

  • Hi there,

    select the inner Container Block.

    In Spacing -> Left Margin & Right Margin type: auto
    In Sizing -> Max Width set a value eg. 1000px

  • hello,

    thanks for your reply.

    The max width propety doesn´t work, at least in this case… i have to use the width property….

  • That’s odd. max-width should work. Can you explain a bit more about what happens when you add a max-width as opposed to a width?

    Take note that if you add width, you need to consider the width for tablet and mobile as well so that your Block doesn’t go over the screen.

  • nothing happens when I add max-width…

  • Can you leave the edit page temporarily? I’ll check what’s happening. Set the max-width and leave the width setting empty.

  • sorry, sure. i leaved 😉 you can also force to enter. you can not damage nothing 😉

  • Can you set a max-width value first?:

    Also, are you able to access this page? I’m not able to access the page on the front end.

  • I did it already and it didn´t work. Thats why I set the width value….
    To access to the front end, mayby the cache of your browser. (
    The front end is only accesible if you are logged in….

  • I see. Set the Parent Container to display: block. Then, set the max-width as opposed to just width. That should work.

  • ok. great. thanks;-)

  • great. it works. one question: would it be possible to create a similar gallery with generateblocks, including the lightbox popup?

  • GenerateBlocks has no lightbox, so you would need a plugin for that, so best to use a gallery plugin that supports that

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