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Change Link in widget

  • We have several widget on our homepage (on the right side). One of them is called “LinkedIn Training”. Here you can see an image:

    We have to the change the link the now is and is forwarded to I thought that changing it is possible in the menu “Design > Widget” or “Design > Customizer”. But unfortnately I don’t find where to change it. The new link should be

    Where in our backend can we change the link?

    Thanks a lot and have a nice afternoon


  • Hi there,

    that is a list of posts being displayed by the WP Show Posts plugin.
    The list should be found in the Dashboard > WP Show Posts, can you see the list ? IF so you can edit the list and change which posts it displays.

  • Hi David, thank you. Yes, I can see the list. I suppose it is “Sidebar”, right? But I can’t find the single posts that are displayed at the moment (B2B Podcast, Performance recruiting, LinkedIn Training).

    The thing is, that I just want to change the link behind one of the displayed items – the LinkedIn Training Item. The rest can stay as it is.

    Do you have another hint for me?

    Thanks a lot!

  • Each of the WP Show Post lists has a shortcode provided in the list editor.
    Does that lists shortcode match the shortcode in the Appearance > Widgets sidebar ?
    If it does then that is the correct list.

    Edit the correct list
    As it is showing a list of specific Pages, go to the More Settings tab and check the Post IDs field
    I would expect to see a list of the IDs for each page being displayed.
    You need to update that list of IDs to include the pages you want to show.

  • Alright, I will check this.

    Thank you.

  • Let us know how you get on

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