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Change Root Font Size

  • Hi there,

    Curious how you’d recommend changing the root font size? My goal is to make changing REM units for font sizes more intuitive.

    Do you see any potential problems downstream from changing the root font size?

    Thanks as always!


  • Hi Matt,

    This is not a typical GP-related question, I would recommend doing some more research before implanting your idea.

    Here are some potential downsides that I can think of, hope it’s helpful!

    1. Accessibility: Changing the font size of the entire page can affect the readability of the content, especially for users with visual impairments. It’s important to make sure that the font size remains legible for all users.

    2. Responsive Design: Changing the font size of the entire page can also affect the layout of the page, especially for responsive designs. Elements that are sized in em or rem units will be affected by the change in the root font size, which can cause layout issues.

    3. Third-Party Code: Some third-party code, such as plugins or widgets, may rely on the default root font size to function properly. Changing the root font size could break these components or cause unexpected behavior.

    4. Compatibility: Some older browsers may not support the rem unit, which means that changing the root font size could cause issues for users who are using outdated browsers.

  • Thanks Ying, good points.

  • You are welcome   🙂

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