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Changing GP / GB CSS breakpoints

  • Hi there, is there a setting I missed to change the CSS breakpoints from 768px to 1024px (for mobile)? Content look squashed between 1024 and 768 on archive pages when using 2 or 3 columns.

    I saw this: and figured out I could probably tweak that code, but before I do, I wanted to make sure there wasn’t something I missed in wordpress / generatepress / generateblocks config?

  • Hi there,

    that function only applies to GB.
    But GP a lot of the responsive breaks are hard coded so they’re not moveable.

    If its just a column issue, share a link to where i can see the problem, and ill provide a fix just for that.

  • hi David, thanks for the offer – I’m dev-ing locally, but don’t worry I’ll simply put a class on the container and use media query

  • Yeah it would be easier to fix the columns issue then try to modify the entire breakpoints.
    If, when the site is online, you need any assist then let us know.

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