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Changing Themes in GP Premium

  • Hello,

    I’m considering changing site templates and I’m hoping you can answer a couple of questions:

    1- What are the advantages to using a newer site template? (I’m currently using “Volume” but interested in switching to “Scribe,” which appears to be 4-5 years more recent)

    2- How difficult is the process? I’m still an amateur but learning quickly. My site only has about 40 pages right now. No ads, e-commerce or forums.

    3- Pending your responses to the above, is there a resource you can point me to that outlines the migration process?

    Thank you!

  • Hi there,

    1. the Scribe site will be built with GenerateBlocks.
    Whereas the older Volume site have been built using the Classic editor.

    2. Not difficult, it just may require a little fixing up.

    3. The steps are fairly straight forward but we suggest you do the swap on a backup. Does your host provide a staging server to work with ? As that will clone your current site, so you can make changes without affecting the live site.

  • Awesome! Already getting started. Thanks for the speedy reply.

    One more questions regarding the Scribe template:

    What is the optimal colour model for logo upload files (rbg, cmyk, etc…)?

    Thanks again.

  • Hi there,

    Any should be fine but commonly, RBG or HEX color codes are the ones used.

  • Okay great, thanks for getting back to me.

    Last question:

    What are the optimal image dimensions for the Scribe theme (featured image, archive cards and post images)?

    Thanks again!

  • For Featured Images along with the archive cards, the optimal image size is 740 x 555px. That should allow you to retain the aspect ratio in the Post and archive pages.

    You’re welcome!

  • Sorry, one more question for you:

    Can you tell me how to move the search modal to the off-canvas menu? I couldn’t find any instructions in the documentation.

    thanks again!

  • Hi there,

    I would’t move the modal inside the off canvas.
    Instead you can hook in a search block.

    1. in Apperaance > Elements -> Add New -> Block
    2. in the eleemnt settings sidebar set the Hook to: inside_slideout_navigation

    3. set the Display Rules to the Entire Site.
    4. Add a Search Block to the editor.

  • Good to know, thanks for the suggestion. Sorry, but the questions keep coming:

    1- If I’m using the pre-set “stock” fonts that come with the Scribe site template, is there any need to keep the Google Fonts API activated in the customizer?

    2- Pending your response to questions #1, if I’m using those pre-set fonts, is there anything to be gained by hosting those fonts locally?

    Thank you!

  • Hi there,

    1. You can replace any font used. If you don’t want to use any Google Font, you can disable the API, and just use a default font.

    2. If you opt to use a non-default font like Google fonts, we recommend hosting them locally for performance since in general, doing it this way allows the fonts to be served quicker.

  • Awesome, thanks again. Two more questions, then I promise I’m done lol:

    1- I can’t get my footer containers to fold properly in the mobile configuration. I want the left side to fold under the right side, but currently it’s happening in reverse. Can you tell me how to alter that setting?

    2- I’m losing 1/100 in my mobile SEO score on Google Page Speed Insights because the page numbers on my home page are either too small, or positioned too close together. Is there some custom CSS I can use to fix this?

    Thanks again!

  • Please open 2 new topics for your new questions, as they are different from the original topic and different from each other.


  • Okay thank you.

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