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Changing WP dashboard language

  • Hi,

    I would like some advice for changing the language for the WP admin dashboard.

    1. Are there disadvantages to not using the default English version of the WP admin dashboard?
    For example would it not make it difficult for online support, GP Documentation and how-to research?
    Would you recommend using English?

    (I need to decide on the language before I write user instructions for my client.)

    2. Please let me know how I can change the WP admin dashboard language.

    I tried Option 1 which is not working for me! (I have selected the German language there but my WP admin dashboard is still English.)

    Option 1
    Changing your WordPress Dashboard Language
    – Click Settings in the navigation menu, then click General.
    – Click the drop-down menu next to Site Language, and choose your preferred language.
    – Click Save Changes. At this point you will see the website displayed in the language you selected.

    Option 2 – I have not tried it yet as I am worried I can’t change it back. Would this work and can I change it back any time?

    Changing language for Admin User
    – Go to Users > Profile > Language: Select preferred language in dropdown menu


  • Hi there,

    this really comes down to your clients language preference, choose whats best for them as WordPress is widely supported across many languages and Google translate does well to fill in the gaps.

    Langauge settings.

    First off – Changing languages on your site does not make any permanent changes. You can always change the language back if required.

    Option 1:
    Dashboard -> Settings -> General, this sets the:
    a. the Sites Language which applies to the front end of your site *
    b. the Site Default language for the Dashboard

    Option 2:
    Users -> Profile > Language, this ONLY sets the language for Dashboard for that user when they are logged in.
    If you set this to Site Default then it will use the language set in Option 1.

    This means you could have a site whose front end is set to Deutsch, but allow each user to have their own dashboard language preference.

    * Front End languages
    In a your WordPress websites HTML there is language attribute eg. lang="en-US"
    This attribute tells browser, search engines etc. what language the site is written in.
    So regardless of what language you would like in the dashboard, you should set Option 1 to match the language of your content.

  • Thanks so much for the detailed Information. Very helpful!

    Re: WordPress is widely supported across many languages and Google translate does well to fill in the gaps.

    Would the GP documentation translate well into English? Would the translated settings be the correct wording to match the German WP dashboard? Also, what about pics of settings in the documentation, for example as shown here
    They would still be in English. Would this not be a problem?

  • The Docs do translate quite well, but until we’re all replaced by AI bots then no the images won’t translate 🙂
    There will unfortunately be some areas where someone else may be needed to provides some assistance.

  • OK, thanks for letting me know.

  • You’re welcome

  • Use:

    Is free and meets all your requirements.

    For individual adjustments to the language files I would recommend the plugin “Loco Translate”. If you know german, here is a good article about it:

    If you want to do the translation automatically, I would recommend the plugin “Automatic Translate Addon For Loco Translate” –

    Automatic translation with Yandex Translate widget is free and not worse than deepl or google.

  • Great, thank you, I will check it out.

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