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Create a coming soon or maintenance page

  • Hello I’d like to create a coming soon or maintenance page with GP and GB.
    I know there are some plugins to do this, but I am trying to see if I can do it without one.
    I like less plugin if possible.

    I figured out how to have basically a short landing page.
    However, I have not figured out how not to have the menu on the temporary home (coming soon page) page,
    while keeping the menu on the rest of the site I am building.

    How can I do this?
    Is there other ways to build a site in the background, have it be tested while having the temp page?
    I don’t want to do it on my computer and import.

    Thank you

  • Hi Janet,

    It would be best to use a plugin for this because I believe most plugins also un-index all link so that they’re not indexed by Search engines.

    If you want to create a landing page with no navigation, you can just disable the navigation through a Layout Element. Reference:

  • Thank you.
    I am not concerned about un-index because there won’t be any links on the page, just a holding area.

    Your instruction link didn’t match what I see and can do on my end.
    I clicked on new element – layout there is no disable elements as an option. Only Sidebar, Footer, Content, Display Rules, Internal Notes.

    Nothing within these that has a means to disable anything.
    On the back end on the page one would work on there use to be an option to disable elements there as well, but all that is there is to disable the title. I am not sure where this has been moved to please.

    Please explain more so I may find the elements for disabling on a page.

    Thank you Again.

  • I figured it out.
    I didn’t have the disable element module on in generate press.

    Thank you for your help.

  • I see. You’re welcome, Janet!

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