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css for WPBeginner’s Compact Archives

  • Hi,

    I’m not sure if you answer stuff like this, as it’s not your plugin.

    My website has a big archive, so I wanted to arrange it by year. I used the plugin WPBeginner’s Compact Archives. It is old, but works. You can find the URL in the private information.

    I cannot find the css to arrange the archive neatly in the container (from left to right). I think in English that is justify. The margin-left the archive now has is unnecessary

    Kind regards,

  • Hi there,

    i am not sure of the list that plugin returns could be placed inside a div with a specific CSS class or the <ul> be given a specific class, as it would make it easier to target.

    If not, then this CSS will target the UL in the specified page ID.

    .page-id-926 .entry-content > ul {
        margin-left: 0;
    .page-id-926 .entry-content > ul > li {
        display: flex;
        justify-content: space-between;
        gap: 5px;
  • Thanks David,
    It’s just fine now.
    Kind regards, Leon

  • You’re welcome

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