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Customize WooCommerce single product page

  • Hi,

    I want to make the design of a WooCommerce product page from scratch. I did some research and it appears that we can’t customize a WooCommerce product page like we customize a post or a CPT (with the content template GP Element), is that right?

    Is so can I still make a layout like shown in the screenshot provided in private information? (With the image positioned to offset the background container)

    If it’s not possible to make a custom layout, is there a way to add blocks to the Woo product template? For example, if I want to add some text under the product title, is there a way to do that?

    Thank you in advance!

  • Hi there,

    Woocommerce pages are using its own templates, GP does not have control over its templates, unforutnaly.

    Woocommerce has their own hooks as well, check this:

  • I see! I managed to have a layout close enough with the hooks. Thank you Ying!

  • You are welcome   🙂

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