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Dropdown menu showing top tags

  • happyventures

    Hello, I’d like to create a drop-down menu that shows the most popular tags for the day. Essentially, once the user hovers over the menu ” Browse” a drop-down will appear that shows the most visited tags for the day. I’ve attached an image for reference. Also, this is similar to Once you hover over ‘Browse” it shows today’s top tags.

    Kindly assist me in creating the drop-down menu and css styling similar to how has it. Thanks.

    example link:

  • Hi there,

    Are you looking to replicate the design only, or do you also need the functionality to display popular tags?

    If it’s just the styling you need, it’s fairly easy. You can use a normal menu with a submenu and apply some CSS for custom styling. If you already have that set up, you can share the link to your site, and we can see the CSS that needs to be used.

  • happyventures

    Thank you for your response. I need both: To replicate the design and apply the functionality. I had used generate element to create a menu. And when I tried to create a new menu and the sub menu, it’s not showing up. I’m assuming it’s because of using the element to create the initial menu. Your guidance is greatly appreciated.

  • I need both: To replicate the design and apply the functionality.

    If you also want the functionality, it requires custom development which is out of the scope of the support forum or you can look for a plugin which does that.

  • happyventures

    Hi I understand the functionality may be a custom development. However, can you guide me with the CSS portion and how to go about getting the tags in the drop down ?

    Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you.

  • It would be easier to achieve if you’re using the standard navigation menu. You can try these steps to kind of replicate the example menu:

    First, create a menu and add tags as the submenu in Appearance > Menus. If the Tags option doesn’t show up on the Add menu items on the left, you need to enable it by clicking the Screen Options on the top right corner of the page and checking the Tags option. You also need to check the CSS Classes option as we will need to add a class to the submenu.

    Once you’ve done creating the menu with the tags submenu, add this class inside the CSS Classes field on the submenu item: tag-menu-style

    Lastly, just add this CSS inside Customize > Additional CSS:

    .tag-menu-style {
       display: flex;
       justify-content: center;
       align-items: center;
       padding: 5px 0;
       margin-bottom: 10px;
       border: 2px solid blue;
       border-radius: 100px;
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