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Dynamic Headlines

  • How can I make the headlines dynamically show up in the container header?

    On my page, I have Headline 1, Headline 2, and Headline paragraph.

    Here’s what I’m trying to achieve: screenshot

    In the elements section it allows me to only dynamically insert title of the page: screenshot 2

  • Hi there,

    What data are you trying to dynamically pull for the headline blocks other than the page title?

    Let me know 🙂

  • I’m trying to pull in:

    1) Headline 1 (that was successful)
    2) Headline 2
    3) Headline paragraph

  • What is Headline 2 and headline paragraph? I’m not sure what you mean.

  • Here are screenshot, I think it will be easier.

    1) Screenshot 1
    2) Screenshot 2

    Basically what I’m trying to achieve here, is to dynamically display the intro text intro the header.

  • It’s not possible.

    These a just text in the content area, it’s part of the_content(), it can not be dynamically pulled via a headline block.

    You will need to create custom fields, for example, one for subtitle (h2), one for the short description (p). Then you can pull the data via the headline block’s dynamic option, set the content source to post meta > you_custom_field_slug.

    You can set it up via the WP native custom fields or a plugin like ACF.

  • Can you explain how I can set this specific text to “post meta”?


  • Hi there,

    Have you already set up a custom field for the text? If yes, just make a note of the field name for the text to add it inside the dynamic option.

  • No, that’s the problem, I don’t understand how I can set up a custom field for text.

  • I figured it out, thank you

  • Glad to hear that!

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