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FAQ Schema Accordion Generateblock

  • I noticed that the button that transforms the Accordion into Schema has created the Schema data without generating the shortcodes. As I use custom_fields for answers in the middle of the excerpt, the Schema ends up being buggy, how do I make it create a schema according to the displayed content of the shortcode?

  • Hi there,

    the Enable FAQ schema option generates LD+JSON FAQ Schema from the blocks content. So that means the content has to be saved in the block in the editor.

    If you need to use dynamic data that is only displayed on the front end, then you need to use schema microdata, you can see an example of that here:

    Which relies on the individual itemType attributes to be added to each block. Which you can do in the GB Pro advanced settings.

  • Yes, luckily as it is custom post and custom field template so I’m able to use microdata without problems. I just wanted to know if there was any solution, because as my site is translated into several languages, so I will not be sure if the content within LDJSON will be translated. So I will always continue to use microdata. Thank you!

  • You’re welcome

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