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First paragraph shifting when using a mix of grouped and ungrouped blocks

  • Hi, the first paragraph of my posts shift downwards after the page loads when I use a mix of grouped and ungrouped blocks. Not sure if it’s the difference between the margins and/or padding between the grouped and ungrouped blocks. Any idea how to prevent this shift from happening?
    Thank you

  • Hi there,

    i think its the PinIt badge thats causing the issue.
    Its injecting an empty span tag into your sites HTML after the site loads.

    Might be worth checking with the plugin developer.

    In the meantime, try adding this CSS:

    #dpsp-post-content-markup[data-image-pin-it="false"] {
        display: none !important;

    It will “hide” the span if the pin it is empty.
    Clear any caches after adding.

  • Thank you, that worked!

  • You’re welcome

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