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Flexbox tutorial for non techies.

  • Philip Gledhill

    Tips for using the new GenerateBlocks flexbox settings.
    I made this video to help others who are confused by the new flexbox settings.

    Time stamps in the video description…
    0:00 Intro to GenerateBlocks flexbox settings.
    0:35 Adding an inner container.
    3:40 Full height columns.
    5:50 Aligning text for all columns in the grid.
    7:08 Flexbox settings for columns.
    8:15 Pushing buttons to the bottom with margin auto.
    10:36 Adding a row of buttons and making it wrap.
    12:20 Headline icons.
    15:28 Recap of what we learned.

    Using the flexbox settings after the GenerateBlocks 1.7 update.

    Timestamps in this video.
    0:00 Intro.
    0:36 Drilling Up.
    0:47 Row Reverse.
    2:03 Align big icons.
    3:07 Icon row spacing.
    4:41 Align button icons in the buttons container.
    5:50 Align a single button using the button wrapper container.
    6:41 Wrap long row of buttons.
    7:40 Recap.
    10:23 Icon alignment in headline and button.

    GeneratePress site library sites use GenerateBlocks to build the layouts. The update from GenerateBlocks 1.6 to GenerateBlocks 1.7 introduced many new settings. In this video I show you how I use some of those settings.

    Building rows and grids of buttons.

    Time stamps used in this video.
    0:00 Intro.
    0:17 Adding a row of buttons.
    1:31 Align items.
    2:00 Convert a row of buttons to column of buttons.
    2:20 Set the width of the button container block.
    3:02 Aligning a button container using margin auto.
    3:44 Stacking buttons in a grid container.
    5:51 Push the button container block to the bottom using margin auto.
    7:14 Making buttons grow to fill the container.
    9:56 Recap of what we learned in this video.

    Gas Gage Settings in GeneratePress Sites

    The timestamps in this video are…
    0:00 Safe Wheels gas gage settings.
    0:55 Relay gas gage settings.
    1:30 Inbound gas gage settings.
    3:00 Plumber gas gage settings.
    5:54 Recap, what we learned in this video.

    This video shows you how to change the width of the bars in the gas gages in GeneratePress site library themes.

    The gas gages are different in the different sites, so use the time stamps to see how your site works.

  • Thanks for sharing!

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