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Floated menu and header

  • Good morning,
    I have a question about layout.
    When I create a site with menu float right and I want the header above the floated menu, how can I accomplish this?
    See screenshot, the header with the text “test” is now next to the menu.

    Very odd I cannot find it anymore after working with GP with all these years πŸ˜‰

    example image

  • Hello there,

    To clarify, do you want the text “test” for instance above the menu?

    Can you share a mockup image of the Header you’re trying to achieve?

  • Hi Fernando, yes that’s true.
    I can of course use GP elements but thought use the header function with a text widget.

    Basically I want a telephone number at the top (like the image but that’s a menu item).

  • Out of curiosity, why the need to make it a menu item?

    Can you also share the link to the site in question? I’ll see if there’s CSS possible to make it look that way.

  • That’s the problem. I don’t want a menu item for a telephone number but did not know an other solution (other than using GP Element).

  • Out of curiosity, why not use a GPP Block Element?

  • also possible, but than I still want to know how to get the header above the menu πŸ™‚

  • Hi there,

    is that “Test” text in a header widget ?

  • yes that’s true David

  • Ok, so in the past the theme used CSS Floats for its grid / layout.
    And thats why the header widget sat above the navigation.
    With the Flexbox structure thats no longer “possible” without a little work.

    One method is tom use a GP Hook ( Block ) Element and set the Hook to generate_inside_navigation and add you content that way eg.

    <div class="before-navigation">test</div>

    Then make that element 100% wide an it will sit directly aboe the nav

    .before-navigation {
        flex: 1 0 100%;

    Let me know if that works.

    If you really need to use the Header Widget then can you add it to your site and let me know. Ill sort some CSS to make it behave πŸ™‚

  • Hi David, thanks a lot. Yes working! (didn’t thought it would not πŸ™‚ )
    Why are you writing “if you really need”?
    Aren’t Header Widgets “normal” to use?
    Thanks again.

  • Oh for sure, theres no problem using a Header Widget. It was more of, “if you want we can help with that option too πŸ™‚ ”

    Glad to hear it worked.

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