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Footer different depending on sites content

  • Philippe Zuber

    Hi there,

    I have a button defined in the footer as an Element. This way the footer should look the same no matter on what page it is displayed, still the same footer.

    That’s not the case. Button in footer as html if that helps: <span class="gb-button gb-button-5f07eacc animated headShake"><span class="gb-icon"><svg aria-hidden="true" role="img" height="1em" width="1em" viewBox="0 0 512 512" xmlns=""><path fill="currentColor" d="M464 64H48C21.49 64 0 85.49 0 112v288c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h416c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48V112c0-26.51-21.49-48-48-48zm0 48v40.805c-22.422 18.259-58.168 46.651-134.587 106.49-16.841 13.247-50.201 45.072-73.413 44.701-23.208.375-56.579-31.459-73.413-44.701C106.18 199.465 70.425 171.067 48 152.805V112h416zM48 400V214.398c22.914 18.251 55.409 43.862 104.938 82.646 21.857 17.205 60.134 55.186 103.062 54.955 42.717.231 80.509-37.199 103.053-54.947 49.528-38.783 82.032-64.401 104.947-82.653V400H48z"></path></svg></span><span class="gb-button-text">[email protected]</span></span>

    Thanks, have a good week

  • Hi there,

    edit the Footer, select the button block, and from the blocks toolbar menu, select Duplicate.
    Then delete the original button.
    This will reset the blocks CSS classes so it has its own unique classID.
    Currently it has the same classID as the button used on the /wp page hero section. Which i assume it was copied from.

    As a general note, if copying blocks from one post to another, WP and GB cannot regenerate the GB blocks classID, so if your Duplicate and then Cut and Paste, it will stop this kind of issue.

  • Philippe Zuber

    Hi there,

    Thank you. Worked like a charm.

  • Glad to hear that

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