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Footer problem with Add page on Elementor

  • Hello good night, how are you?
    I would like to ask for your help.
    I have a problem every time I want to create a new page using Elementor and I have GeneratePress as a template and using a custom footer as GP Element.

    I don’t know why but in the Elementor editor the footer looks distorted, it loses the styles and the code breaks.
    If I publish the page and see it in production, it looks just as bad.

    However, if I make a page with the Guttenberg editor, I have no problems.

    What could be the problem?

    GeneratePress: 3.4.0
    GP Premium: 2.4.0
    Elementor: 3.21.3

    I will appreciate your help.

    Thank you.

    I’ll give you a screenshot of what the footer looks like with the problems.

  • This is a screenshot with correct footer content.

  • Hi there,

    Can I see the issue on your site ?

  • Hi
    this is a link with a page with the footer problem.

  • Go to Dashboard > Generate Blocks -> Settings and change the CSS PRINT METHOD to Inline Embedding.
    Then clear any caches on the site.
    Let me know

  • Hi, I follow the indications, but the problem is still there.

  • Hi there,

    Can you confirm if you’ve cleared the page cache? It seems like the footer on that page is still loading an incorrect stylesheet.

  • Hi,
    yes cache cleared. I also tried viewing the page in another clean browser and the same problem continues.

  • Aah, its not the GenerateBlocks styles that are missing, those are ALL WP Core blocks.
    And i can see that it is not loading this stylesheet on that page:


    Other users have reported the same issue on Elementor built pages.
    Speak to Elementor support to see if they can shed some light on the cause.

  • smirandac1978

    Hi, where can I see other users reports?
    I can’t find a link on Elementor Website.

  • Hi, where can I see other users reports?

    You need to do some Google search.

    However, reach out to Elementor support should be the most efficient way.

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