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GB Query Loop with Repeater Fields

  • I’m trying to use a GenerateBlocks Pro Query Loop to display information in a custom post type called “allstars”

    The post type has one custom fields called “all_star_fields” with all text sub fields called “all-star-date” “all-star-city” “all_star_event_name” “entity_name” and “event_description”

    I would like each row to display as a query item and dynamically pull in those sub fields. For each row it should create a new query item with the respective sub fields.

    I tried using post meta to call the fields but it doesn’t seem to work. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  • GB does not support ACF repeater currently, you might need to create a shortcode for it.

    Then use this method to output the shortcode in the query loop:

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