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Global styles: “Apply ANY style to any block” ???

  • There are a number of CSS styles that are not configurable by the GUI. (For example, multiple text-shadows)

    The claim of “ANY” style (made in the new global styles announcement) implies that these can be added another way. Am I missing a way to manually enter CSS within the global style editor? (Of course I can use the CSS customizer, but this makes configuration inefficient, and more error-prone)

  • Am I missing a way to manually enter CSS within the global style editor?

    Don’t think so, for CSS that can not be generated in GB, you will have to use additional CSS.

    You can use the same global style selector to add the text-shadow if the global style selector has other styles.

  • This would be a huge boon for efficiency, and maybe a light dev lift.

    Any chance you might ask them about it (in case I’m missing the implementation)?

    Thanks for all the great work, the new global styles are powerful stuff!

  • I don’t think double text-shadow is a common CSS style, haven’t seen them around in the forum.

    But I will mark this as a featured request, our devs will look into it if there’re enough requests for it 🙂

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