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Global Styles CSS Showing in Editor But Not Live Site

  • Hello,

    I’m in the process of adding global style classes across my site. I have a lot of custom CSS settings already, so my process has been to add a global style class, select the option to use the existing CSS for that block, and then remove the local styles. This has worked great, but when I’m done and publish it, the global style class settings do get applied on the site (although in the editor they look exactly like they should).

    Here’s a link to the page I’m working out of:

    Editor page view:
    Editor page settings for something like the bottom black “more information” bar: (notice I have the background color as a dark gray in the global styles and it shows up like this in the editor but not live)
    Front-end view:

    Am I missing something here?

  • One more note — when I publish the page I get the message “saving failed” at the top of the page (orange banner). A few seconds later though, it lets me know that the changes were published, so I’m not sure if that’s part of this issue.

  • Hi there,

    if you got to Dashboard > GenerateBlocks -> Global Styles can you see all of the classnames for your global styles in the list ?

    I get the impression some of them did not save.

  • Yes it looks like they are all there and published.

    I went in today to the page I was asking about and my work of updating the CSS global styles was no longer there in the editor either.

    I also continue to get the “saving failed” message every time I publish it, which I believe is a part of the issue.

  • I can see the class being added to the button, but the CSS of the global style is not loading.

    Any chance you can disable all other plugins and custom functions to test?

    And can you add GB Pro support key to your profile as the global style is a Pro feature? Thanks!

  • Hi Ying!

    I confirmed that I have the GB Pro support key on the backend.

    I deactivated all my plugins except for GeneratePress and my two generateblock plugins and updating the global styles appeared to work. However, when I tried to update a few other global CSS on the page it gave me the same error. Even when I tried to go back to the global style that I tested/confirmed it was working, even that one is no longer working just like before.

    I tried only saving one class update at a time but no single class or combination allows it to go through.

    Any other suggestions?

  • Hi there,

    Can you try using another browser? There have been instances in the past where users encountered similar errors caused by browser extensions.

  • Hi,

    I tried it this morning on Microsoft Edge, which has no extensions installed and it did the same thing it was doing yesterday:
    – First time I updated a global style on the page, it saved fine.
    – Second one I updated it gave me the “saving failed” message.
    In case it’s helpful, it hasn’t always been the same global style that successfully saved the first run through.

    Any other suggestions?

  • We need to get some info on the Saving Failed error.

    Whilst in the editor, Right Click > Inspect the page to open the browser developers tools, are there any Errors or Warnings in the console, before or after tbe Saving Failed error ?

    If there is none, could you check the server logs for errors ?

  • Prior to saving – issues:
    Prior to saving – console:
    After saving – console:

  • Oh damn, thats a 418 ( im a teapot ) error – thats super random lol
    Do you have any security plugins running on the site ?

  • Yeah that cracked me up too lol

    Here’s a screenshot of my plugins:

    None that I know of have a security feature, except for maybe the site backup one?

  • Can you try disabling them all except GB, GBP and GPP to test?

  • Yes I tried that yesterday when you suggested it but it didn’t work. Just to double check, I tried it again and it’s still giving me the error. Here’s a screenshot of everything deactivated to confirm I’m understanding correctly:

  • I am at a loss regarding what might be causing this. It could be related to something in the server’s settings.

    Have you checked under Tools > Site Health for any issues that may need addressing?

  • I checked the site health this morning. I am receiving this message: “age cache is detected but the server response time is still slow”, and then underneath it: “Median server response time was 1,448 milliseconds. It should be less than the recommended 600 milliseconds threshold.”

    I connected with my host support (Dreamhost) this morning and they said everything looked good but they did reset the Apache server’s configuration to make sure it’s got the latest changes and all the right settings in place. They said they looked into the server load as well as the resource usage and it seems your site is good.

    My hunch is that it has something to do with multiple global classes being saved on one page. Seems like everytime I try a fix and test it on a global class, it works for the first one but when I try to save more it starts giving me the error. Even when I try to go back and adjust the first one I saved it’ll give me the same error.

    Is there any way to give Generate Support admin access to my site to poke around?

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