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Grid Query

  • Hi,

    I am trying to reproduce the layout as shown in the screenshot which I did previously using Bootstrap, is it best to do this by having a grid of 4 columns showing image, text, image, text from left to right or is there a better way to do it.



  • Hi,

    Apologies, I think the link to the image is incorrect if so please use the new one,



  • Are you using GenerateBlocks plugin? If so, I would create a structure like this:

    - Container 
     -- Grid
       --- container A (display:flex, width: 50%)
          ---- button a (with Icon/ remove text)
          ---- container a
              ----- headline
              ----  headline
       --- container B (display:flex, width: 50%)
          ---- button b (with Icon/ remove text)
          ---- container b
              ----- headline
              ----  headline
       --- container C (display:flex, width: 50%)
          ---- button c (with Icon/ remove text)
          ---- container c
              ----- headline
              ----  headline
       --- container D (display:flex, width: 50%)
          ---- button d (with Icon/ remove text)
          ---- container d
              ----- headline
              ----  headline
  • Hi Ying,

    That works perfectly, thanks very much.


  • Glad to hear that :)

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