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height adjustment of the menu toggle

  • Dear Generate Press Support Team,

    I hope this message finds you well.

    I am encountering an issue regarding the height adjustment of the menu toggle in my Generate Press theme. I am attempting to increase the height of the toggle bar to 100px through the customization options provided under “Appearance” > “Customize” > “Primary Navigation” > “Menu Item Height”. While I can successfully preview the desired change within the customization panel, it does not persist upon reloading the page in the browser.

    Upon inspecting the code using browser developer tools, I noticed that the height remains at 62px despite my attempt to set it to 100px through the customization tool.

    I have attached screenshots illustrating the steps I’ve taken and the inconsistency I’m experiencing between the customization preview and the actual display on the website.

    Could you please assist me in resolving this issue? I would greatly appreciate any guidance or insights you can provide to ensure that the height adjustment reflects accurately on my website.

    Thank you for your attention to this matter.

    Best regards,

    Imagen 1Imagen1
    Imagen 2Imagen2

  • Hi there,

    If you want to control the size of the Menu Toggle then:
    go to Customizer > Typography and Add New ( or Edit if already there ) the Primary Mobile Menu Toggle and set its Font Size to 100px

  • Dear Generate Press Support Team,

    Thank you for your prompt response.

    I appreciate your suggestion regarding adjusting the font size of the Primary Mobile Menu Toggle to control its size. However, my objective is slightly different. I am aiming to increase the overall height of the navigation bar to accommodate a larger logo. In theory, increasing the “Menu Item Height” should expand the height of the bar, thus allowing the logo to appear larger. However, as I mentioned in my initial inquiry, the changes preview correctly in the customization panel but do not reflect on the website after reloading.

    Could you please provide further assistance on how to effectively increase the navigation bar’s height so that it impacts the display size of the logo? I am seeking to ensure that these adjustments are accurately reflected on the live site.

    Thank you once again for your attention and help.

    Best regards,

  • the changes preview correctly in the customization panel but do not reflect on the website after reloading.

    In this case, it’s likely a cache issue.

    I can see that the line-height for the primary navigation menu item is set to 62px, is it not the correct value? This is what I see

    Can you try disabling your cache plugin and re-test?

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