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How can I make my website mobile-friendly?

  • I’ve used GeneratePress since it started, but now I want to make it mobile-friendly.

    In a website about 15 best mobile-friendly WordPress themes it says “GeneratePress is a lightweight WordPress theme that focuses on page speed and user experience. It is a mobile-friendly theme that follows WCAG 2.0 standards ensuring your website is accessible by all.”

    I had a feeling that this might be the case, but it is just too difficult to find out how to do anything in GeneratePress – it is an excellent program hopelessly documented.

    Do you have any instructions in your system to create pages that work well on desktop and mobile? How do I create megamenus that look good on mobile or desktop? Have you examples, or do I have to guess how to make mobile menus look good?

    My ONE question is “Have you documentation to teach me to make my site mobile-friendly?” I hope you have because I don’t want to have to change my theme after all these years.
    Ian McAllister

  • Hi there,

    there is very little to do with the Theme, it handles ITs responsive requirements without little to no intervention.

    90% of responsive issues will be related to the content added to pages and posts, which aside from typography the theme has little control over.

    If I can see the issues on your site then I can advise on what the issue is.

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