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How not to show duplicate posts in different query loops?

  • Hi.

    I am using multiple query loops on my homepage and set different categories for all. However, in latest posts, I want not to repeat duplicate posts which are showing in other query loops. I hope I was able to make you understand my point.

    Please see the homepage for reference:

  • Hi there,

    There is no way to filter those because each query loop operates on its own query. What you can do is set an Offset Parameter to each category query loop so that the latest post does not show up in the category query loop.

    To add an Offset, select the category query loop in the editor, go to Query Parameter settings on the right-hand side, and click Add Parameter > Offset option. Setting it to 1 means the latest post in this category will be excluded. You can set any number of posts you want here.

    Let me know if you have further questions.

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