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How to achieve this layout with query loop?

  • Hi,

    I would like to achieve the layout in the screenshot, which I did, but it’s not working exactly how I want to.

    So, like you see, there’s two “bigger” post at the top of the page and below, there’s a grid of 3 column of posts (with an offset of two posts).

    Right now, I have 2 query loop blocks. One query loop for the two bigger posts and a second query loop for the posts grid below it.

    The problem is: I have a pagination at the end of the page, which belong to posts grid query loop. If I go to the second page, it show me the rest of the post, but the two bigger posts don’t change, because it’s not the same query loop.

    What I want: Have the pagination work with this layout. Have the two bigger posts change with the page selected.

    I think that using two query loops is not the right approach, because there’s two pagination. But I don’t know how to have this layout with only one query loop?

    Thank you in advance!

  • Hi there,

    the simples solution would be to use 1 Query Loop with the 3 columns set.
    And then if you can share a URL to where i can see it, ill provide some CSS to make the top row show just 2 posts wide.

  • Okay, sounds good!

    I’ll let you the URL in the private note 🙂 Thank you David!

  • Try:

    1. edit the Query Loop block, inside it is a Grid Block – select that.
    2. in the grid block settings sidebar Advanced > Additional CSS Class(es) add: has-2c-top-row
    3. Save that change
    4. Add this CSS to the site:

    @media(min-width: 1024px) {
        .has-2c-top-row > .gb-query-loop-item:is(:nth-child(1), :nth-child(2)) {
            width: 50%;

    Note, it does mean there will always be a 2 post row for all pagination, but they won’t be the old posts 🙂

  • It worked as wanted! Thank’s David!

  • Glad to hear that!

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