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Image ‘cover’ does not really work

  • In all page builders, when choosing image style ‘cover’, the image fills the given size by cropping the image, without distortion. In GenerateBlocks (pro) whatever I do, the given image px sizes are not respected. It’s nearly impossible to create a few identical columns with different images; vertical alignment is right now only possible when using images with exactly the same sizes. That’s not how builders use the ‘cover’ instruction and rather useless.
    But really strange: GenerateBlocks is using ‘cover’ in the ‘normal way’ with other blocks!
    If we are using a GenerateBlocks container in stead of an image block, and giving it a background image, with the same px sizes we tried in de imageblock and selecting ‘cover’: it all works as it should be.
    I know now we can accomplish a ‘normal’ cover image by ignoring the image block and using a container, but is a bit strange and should not be like that. And a certain function, like ‘cover’, should work the same among different blocks.

  • Hi there,

    Are you referring to the background-size property?

    If so that’s simply a CSS property and GB does not decide how it works:

    All of GB’s options are simply CSS properties – GB writes the CSS for you when the option is chosen and cannot decide how the property works.

    If you can link us to the page in question and an example of what you are trying to achieve then we might be able to provide some guidance.

  • No. It’s about the image block.
    please read carefully.

    1) With image block + Cover: the sizes are NOT respected (this is not normal)
    2) With Container block background + Cover: the sizes are respected (as it should be)

    So the issue we have is with the Image block
    (the container block works perfectly).

  • Hi there,

    GB image block doesn’t have a Cover option, do you mean the object-cover option?

    If so, it’s not the same feature as the background image, they are completely 2 different CSS properties.

    For more details, please check:


  • This a screenshot of your GB interface.

    I Just mean that the cover function of the image block does not work well.
    I tested around 15 builders in the last 2 months. All image blocs of all builders work well. That doesn’t mean it are good builders, but at least that css function works well.

    see the screenshot.

  • GB’s object-fit:cover function is working well, as I said object-fit:cover is NOT background-size:cover.

    They are different.

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