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In CPT Category Archive. again!!!

  • I asked a question last time, but I think I made a mistake with the question, so I’m writing it again.

    I made CPT and assigned ACF category.
    That’s why I got the CPT category.

    I would like to change the design of the archive page, not the single post.

    I attached an image.

    I would like to change the page that comes out when I click category view in CPT category.

    What should I do?

    I want to make it using GP element and Generate blocks without coding.

    I used to make and use it well in the archive category of the default post.

    But it doesn’t work in the category of CPT.

  • Hi there,

    To customize the custom post type’s archive page, create a new Block Element and add the Query Loop block. In the Query Parameters settings, toggle on ‘Inherit query from template’.

    Under the Location setting, you should be able to find the option for your Custom Post Type Archives and select that.

  • Hello.

    Why don’t you capture just one or two images and let us know?

    Please give me a more detailed explanation.

  • Hi there,

    1. Go to Appearance > GeneratePress and Activate the Elements Module
    2. Go to Appearance > Elements -> Add New –> Block.
    3. in the the editor element settings sidebar set the Element Type to: Loop Template

    4. in the Display Rules -> Location select the "your CPT name" "your ACF category" Archive -> All Categories
    NOTE: i do not know the the name of your CPT or your ACF Category, so you need to look in the list for the relevant one , the above is just an example.

    This element will replace the themes archive.php for your CPT Category Archive.

    5. In the editor you can now build whatever content your require. For example

    Add a GB Query Loop Block and set its option to Inherit Query from Template:

  • As you told me, I set it up,
    It’s not working well.

    I can’t see any of the screens.

    Where did I set up wrong?
    Please take a look at the image.

    I re-uploaded several new images.

    I don’t want to use the global style. so…

  • Could you provide a temporary login credentials for us to take a look at your settings?

  • It is not easy for me to provide an administrator ID.

    Could you take a closer look at the image I attached?

  • Can you at least share a URL to the Archive page so we can see the issue ?

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