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Index.html file, /blog to display the homepage

  • Dear Team,

    I am having a index.html custom made homepage template,
    I want the blog home page to appear as home. Is it possible.

    Example: –> Homepage
    I am using a generatepress site blog template, which has a beautiful homepage and blog page, I want this homepage to appear when visitors visit . This will be my blog homepage.

  • Hi Sarathy,

    I’m not sure I understand correctly. If you’re referring to assigning the Homepage and the Blog pages, it can be done through Settings > Reading on your admin dashboard. If you’re referring to something else, let us know.

  • Sure, I will try to explain.

    The landing page, which is currently located at (Given in private information), will be shown as the homepage when visitors go to
    The blog homepage (the current homepage at my site) should be shown at

    Basically, I want the blog homepage to be shown when visitors visit I have my own index.html file which is a landing page developed for google ads.

  • Hi there,

    in Settings > Reading, change the homepage and blog page to something else for now.
    Then edit the page what was your home page and change its title/slug to blog

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