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Inserting affiliate links and text

  • I have 1,800 knitting recipes, that each come with a yarn recommendation (an affiliate links). Some yarns are recommended for many recipes, some for just a few.
    Right now I’m using a Pretty Links-link (one for each yarn), which is inserted in the relevant posts. Over time yarn or suppliers have to be replaced, which is a tedious job.

    Is there a way to insert a [short code] in a post, so I just have to edit the short code definition – rather that opening the individual posts?

    Example image

  • Hi there,

    1. Add this PHP Snippet to your site:

    add_shortcode('portable_hook', function($atts){
            $atts = shortcode_atts( array(
                'hook_name' => 'no foo'
            ), $atts, 'portable_hook' );
    	return ob_get_clean();

    2. then add the to the page the shortcode ie. [portable_hook hook_name="inside-post-content"]

    This will create a hook named: inside-post-content where the shortcode sits. You can change that to whatever you want.

    3. you can use a GP Block Element or Hook to hook content into the post.
    3.1 in the Element set the Hook to Custom Hook and in the field add your hook name eg. inside-post-content
    3.2 Set the element display rules to Entire Site.

  • Thanks. So having 300 different yarns, I create [portable_hook hook_name=”yarn-1″], [portable_hook hook_name=”yarn-2″], [portable_hook hook_name=”yarn-3″] etc. and insert them in the relevant posts. Are there any (performance) problems in having 300 different hooks?

  • Not really but its a nightmare to administrate. Perhaps this could be done dynamically.

    Some things to consider:

    How may Yarn Recommendation Affiliate links are there?
    And how do you associate an affiliate with a knitting recipe?

  • I have about to 250 yarn recommendations and 1,800 recipes, and I use Pretty Links. The link itself is inserted as shown on the image. If a supplier or a yarn is changed, I have to edit each post. Sometimes I can use search/replace. Unfortunately Pretty Links only support the URL – not the link (with link text).
    To complicate things some recipes use two or even three yarns.

  • hmmm…. using the Shortcode Hook doesn’t really add any value here.
    Considering the large amout of them that would be required.
    So a dynamic shortcode would be a better option.

    How are the Pretty Links added to the page ?
    As I am unsure how you would output them from with the shortcode

  • The affiliate link could be:

    I this case I use this short-URL:

    I the actual post, this is the HTML:
    <p><strong>Forslag til erstatningsgarn fra garnbutikken Kreativgarn: <a href="">Sesia Pura Lana</a>.</strong></p>

    (This shop is called Kreativgarn)

  • Ok, so you could do something like this:

    1. create a function to store your array of Yarns:

    function get_affiliate_links() {
        // Define an array of affiliate links with their respective data
        $affiliate_links = array(
                'prefix' => 'Forslag til erstatningsgarn fra garnbutikken Kreativgarn:',
                'link' => '',
                'text' => 'Sesia Pura Lana'
                'prefix' => 'Forslag til erstatningsgarn fra garnbutikken Kreativgarn:',
                'link' => '',
                'text' => 'Example Yarn'
            // Add more affiliate links as needed
        return $affiliate_links;

    Here we store the prefix text, the link and the link text.
    Just add more Array items for each affiliate.

    2. add this snippet to create a shortcode:

    function affiliate_link_shortcode($atts) {
        // Extract shortcode attributes
        $atts = shortcode_atts(array(
            'yarn-name' => ''
        ), $atts);
        // Get the array of affiliate links
        $affiliate_links = get_affiliate_links();
        // Search for the affiliate link based on the provided yarn name
        foreach ($affiliate_links as $link) {
            if ($link['text'] === $atts['yarn-name']) {
                // Generate and return the HTML code for the affiliate link
                $link_html = '<p><strong>' . esc_html($link['prefix']) . ' <a href="' . esc_url($link['link']) . '">' . esc_html($link['text']) . '</a>.</strong></p>';
                return $link_html;
        // If the provided yarn name is not found, return an error message
        return 'Affiliate link for ' . esc_html($atts['yarn-name']) . ' not found.';
    add_shortcode('affiliate_link', 'affiliate_link_shortcode');

    This provides you this shortcode:

    [affiliate_link yarn-name="Yarn Name"]

    In here: yarn-name="Yarn Name" you add the value to match to the text value in the first function.

  • Thanks so much for helping. I’ll check it out.

  • You’re welcome

  • I found out that Easy Affiliate Links uses shortcodes, so that’s a good solution here. Thanks.

  • Glad to hear you found a good solution!!

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