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Keep background still

  • takkularapsis


    I dont know how to keep background image still when opening the accordion in the page?
    The background also moves? Any help for that. The accordion is in the middle o the page.
    Background are dotts in boths side.

  • Hi there,

    not really, not without introducing other issues.
    When you open the accordion the height of the container changes and so does its center position. Which is why it moves.

    You could set the Background Attachment to fixed and that would stop that particular issue but it would lead to a fixed background.

  • takkularapsis


    I understand, thanks!

    I managed to put height for the container to 500px, and the background isnt moving anymore. I guess it isnt correct method, but still it seems to work as needed πŸ™‚

  • Make that a Min Height and it should do the same thing without risking an overflow issue
    Good solution πŸ™‚

  • takkularapsis

    Yes, sometime you get lucky πŸ˜€

    Thanks, ill do that also!

  • Use Min Height and remove the Height option πŸ™‚

  • takkularapsis

    Yes, ill do that, thanks!

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