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Large Layout Shift Error

  • I tested my site with Pagespeed Insights and received this error:

    Avoid large layout shifts 3 elements found.

    I used Smush Pro and Litespeed Cache. I disabled lazy-load on both and all CSS settings in Litespeed Cache, but I still encountered the error.
    What could I do now to solve this?

  • Hi there,

    see here:

    Your logo is being lazy loaded, and the lazy loader is using a Square Placeholder Image, which is terrible and the developer really should fix that, as what happens is the browser saves too tall a space for the actual image.

    You should report that issue to the lazy loader developer.

    In the meant time check the lazy loader settings, they generally provide a field to exclude images with a specific CSS Class use: is-logo-image

  • Thanks, David. I have successfully resolved the issue with the logo. However, Google continues to display this message. How to solve these?

  • Hi there,

    It’s still the logo causing that CLS.

    It seems to still be lazy-loaded with a square placeholder showing while the image is being loaded.

    Could you double check if where really able to exclude the logo from that feature?

  • I have checked and removed the lazy-load of the logo from Litespeed Cache. You can see here.
    I also disabled lazy-load on Smush Pro and WordPress core.
    Can you help me check more closely what the cause is? You can access the website with private information.

  • I’m not getting any CLS anymore: – this just confirms that the issue is from the optimization(lazy-loading) – could you try retesting?

  • Yes, all is good. Thanks, Fernando. Could you tell me what you did to get that result?

  • I thought everything was fine but now when I test it again it still has the same error. Can you check again for me?

  • I didn’t do anything. I just tested again with your setup where the logo isn’t lazy-loaded.

    I can see that you’ve activated lazy-loading again, and the logo is again lazy-loaded which caused the CLS issue again.

    As mentioned, you need to ensure that the logo isn’t lazy-loaded.

  • How can I check if lazy-loading is disabled on the logo? Because I turned off all other lazy loading features, leaving only Litespeed cache.

  • If you Right Click > Inspect the logo, and check the HTML in the browser dev tools you will see this:

    There is the data- attribute that the lazy loader uses to store the image URL
    And the lazyloaded class that gets added once the lazy loader had loaded it.

    I also see in the HTML comments ( after the footer ) that the site us running a Hummingbird cache….

  • Thanks, David. I completely deleted Hummingbird Cache and everything is fine now.

  • Glad to hear that!

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