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Learning GB: Creating a block section

  • Hello,
    I am learning GB and shifting my sites to it and any new sites. Once I get this it will be a game changer.

    I am having an issue on a block I am trying to make.
    I have it at this urls
    The section is all in one top level container.
    The top header is in the correct place.
    The next 2 containers are not centering on the page.
    What other information do you need in order to help me?

    Thank you

  • Hi Janet,

    Sorry I don’t understand the issue you are having.

    When I check the page, everything is displaying in the way you’ve set it up:

    What is the exact issue you are having?

  • When I put this in I hadn’t messed up the site royally, which I just put in a new ticket for.
    But the three headlines under the headline that is in the right place, isn’t centered.

    The bigger issue now is I reset the modules and now the site has lost all it’s colors and set up.

  • But the three headlines under the headline that is in the right place, isn’t centered.

    Sorry I don’t understand this statement at all.

    I’m not seeing any settings being chosen that suggested the headings should be centered.

    Do you have a mockup or example of the desired layout you are trying to create?

  • A mock up Hmm
    Headline Headline
    Paragraph paragraph

    SO the headline/paragraph block and the bottom headline block is centered under the top headline block.
    Does this help?
    THank you

  • Do you have an actual example to help me visualize?

  • I don’t. Thanks fro trying.
    Thank you

  • No problem 🙂

    Just post here again when you have an example to show and we will be happy to guide you through.

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