how to fix low text ratio in html error
Hi Ankur,
For reference, can you share a screenshot of the HTML error?
Hi Ankur,
I see. Thank you for clarifying. That’s not something that’s caused by the theme.
It can be caused by numerous factors but the most often cause is the actual ratio of the text on your pages in comparison to the HTML code.
What I can recommend is to eliminate having too many Blocks for design if they aren’t necessary. Moreover, here’s a couple of things you may consider as well:
-Check the validity of your HTML code
-Eliminate the unnecessary code
-Eliminate any huge white spaces
-Avoid excessive tabs
-Eliminate any comments in the code
-Avoid using tables, only use them if necessary
-For formatting and styling, use CSS
-Get rid of any unnecessary use of images
-JavaScript and Flash must only be used if necessary
-Keep the image size below 300kb
-Eliminate any invisible or hidden text
-Use plain text which should be easily readable and of high quality.Check your plugins as well by trying #1 here to debug: https://docs.generatepress.com/article/debugging-tips/
how to check unnecessary code and how to remove it (Eliminate the unnecessary code)
Hi there,
SEMRush calculates in kB the size of just the text content on your page and if that is less then 10% of your total page size it will flag the page as having a low text-to-html ratio.
As the total page size includes CSS, Images and Javascript you would need to look at those to consider any remedial work. Looking at an example post on your site, i see there is not much text but there is a lot of advert related JavaScripts and images loading on the page.
a few options:
1. Add a lot more text content to your pages.
The main issue is your sites word count is low, those SEO plugins want you have longer content to pass their “tests”2. reduce the number of / size of images
this does not seem applicable on your site as i saw only images loading in adverts.3. reduce the amount of Javascript / CSS loading on the page.
this is the main culprit as you have more adverts then you have content, and the scripts they load are large. You could consider reducing the number of scripts on the page.4. ignore the SEMRush warning.
don’t look at this as an error. Use the tool to examine the pages for improvement. Some pages will unavoidably have low text-to-html ratios eg. archive pages. -
ignore the SEMRush warning why ? ALL over the world Seo Tool SEMRush. this tool client Tesla, Samsung , IBM
Please Guide how to remove unnecessary code? Please suggest Any Blog And Course for learning . Tell the company consumer how it will be fine or only Generatepress Theme company aimed making money ?????? -
I gave you 4 points.
I highlighted the main issue on your site:1. Add a lot more text content to your pages.
The main issue is your sites word count is low, those SEO plugins want you have longer content to pass their “tests”I told you otherwise you need to reduce the amount of other loading on your page:
3. reduce the amount of Javascript / CSS loading on the page.
this is the main culprit as you have more adverts then you have content, and the scripts they load are large. You could consider reducing the number of scripts on the page.To do this you can either:
speak to your advert provider about the issue.
use a plugin like Perfmatters or WP Rocket or Flying Scripts to defer loading of your scriptsOther things:
Add this PHP Snippet to your site to remove the SVG duotones that WP adds to all sites. I assume you’re not using them:
remove_action( 'wp_body_open', 'wp_global_styles_render_svg_filters' ); remove_action( 'render_block', 'wp_render_duotone_support', 10 );
And if you don’t use the core block global styles add this to remove other code:
remove_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'wp_enqueue_global_styles' ); remove_action( 'wp_footer', 'wp_enqueue_global_styles', 1 );
Check your site after adding this last one to make sure nothing breaks. If it does then remove it.
Apart from that, there is not much else we can advise.
The Theme adds minimal HTML, and your content ( excluding adverts ) has minimal HTML. Your main problem is you have very low word counts on your pages.
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