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Main nav page displaying blog excerpts, not content

  • I’m wondering if anyone can point out my goof? I had an issue serving post excerpts on my blog page a few weeks ago and managed to get that sorted.

    I’ve just realized that one of my service pages is also serving the excerpts instead of the intended content. The content is still in my editor on the backend, but it’s being overwritten.

    The page doesn’t have an Element installed for the blog, but for some reason it’s overwriting the page.

    My site is (please note none of my services are web design πŸ˜‰ The Social Media Marketing page is the one in question

  • Hi there,

    You are using WP’s query loop block and the excerpt is added via an Excerpt block. We don’t have control over the WP query loop block, unfortunately.

    I had an issue serving post excerpts on my blog page a few weeks ago and managed to get that sorted.

    How did you sort that? However, it looks like your blog page is also showing excerpts, not content.

    And how did you add the query loop to archive and blog page? Are you using a block element – loop template?

    Let me know πŸ™‚

  • Hi Ying,

    For the blog page, showing the excerpts that lead to the full post was the original goal – so that’s what I want.

    The blog page’s active elements are Full-width pages, loop template, and post excerpts.

    The loop template settings are Blog and All Archives in the “Location” settings.

    The Post Excerpts template is set to “Blog” for location.

    I can’t figure out where I’ve changed something to overwrite the Social Media Marketing page’s content. I can’t find a query loop or the loop template on that page.

  • Hi there,

    the page you linked to is displaying a category page that has the slug of: social-media-marketing which i assume is the same slug as your static page…. WP has to choose one to display and in this case that would be the archive.
    You can fix the issue by making sure you don’t have archives and pages that use the same slugs.

  • That did it, David! Thank you so much for that πŸ™‚

  • You’re welcome

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