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Make this divider appear

  • hello.
    The homepage is decorated with the theme of ‘Blog-Newroom’.
    If you look at the example page, there is a thin dividing line for each post in the list of posts in the “LIFESTYLE” category on the home screen. I am wondering how to make this divider appear.

  • Hi there,

    1. Create a New Page.
    2. in the 3 dot menu, select the Code Editor view.
    3.Paste this code into the editor:

    <!-- wp:generateblocks/container {"uniqueId":"6385350c","bgImageInline":true,"isDynamic":true,"blockVersion":3,"display":"flex","marginBottom":"20"} -->
    <!-- wp:generateblocks/container {"uniqueId":"777f6600","borderColor":"var(\u002d\u002dcontrast-3)","isDynamic":true,"blockVersion":3,"flexBasis":"50px","sizing":{"height":"","maxWidth":""},"borderSizeBottom":"3"} /-->
    <!-- wp:generateblocks/container {"uniqueId":"bb8dbceb","borderColor":"var(\u002d\u002dcontrast-5)","isDynamic":true,"blockVersion":3,"flexGrow":1,"sizing":{"height":"","maxWidth":""},"borderSizeBottom":"3"} /-->
    <!-- /wp:generateblocks/container -->

    4. Switch the editor to Visual Editor.

    5. Copy and Paste those blocks to where you want to use it

  • thank you!

  • You’re welcome

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