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menu_bar_items does not exist

  • I’ve got a site running GP Premium and Generate Blocks Pro. Trying to add a hook for menu_bar_items, but it straight up does not exist in my list of available hooks. I’ve checked the versions and am running all the latest. Only thing I can think is it doesn’t like something about running a child theme, but that doesn’t seem it, either.

    What am I missing?

    If I type it in, it’s just not in the available options:

  • Hi there,

    Could you check in the Customizer > General settings if there is a Structure option that is set to Floats? If it is, then change it to Flex Box. After that, you can retry adding the hook.

    Let’s see how it goes.

  • That’s wisdom and experience at work, my friend! Yes, that did it.

    I would not have thought to look there in a million years. This is an older site that’s been running GP for probably 5+ years now and some of those features that weren’t auto-updated to some other format just never get or got changed.

  • Yeah that explains it. This was due to the GP 3.0 update, and the menu_bar_items hook exists in the Flex Box structure. Thus, legacy sites would need to change the structure to use it.

    Glad it helps!

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