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Mobile Header with Logo, Title, Menu & 2 Icons

  • mba_generatepress

    Hi there,

    I’would like to add to my header (also the mobile header) a logo, websitetitel, navigation and 2 icons.
    What is the best solution to get this done?


    Thank you so much!

  • Hi there,

    on desktop, will the full menu be displayed? Or will it be the same as the mobile? ie. just the hamburger

  • mba_generatepress

    Yes, desktop version is fully displayed. Hamburger is just for the mobile version

  • 1. go to Appearance > Elements -> Add New –> Block

    2. set the Hook to menu_bar_items

    3. set the Display Rules > Location to Entire Site

    4. Now add your icons buttons in the block editor

    5. Publish that.

    That will add the icons to the header for desktop and mobile
    Once done, let me know and ill advise on the next steps.

  • mba_generatepress

    Thank you, is there also a solution for the title text?

  • For that create a second block element.
    And set the Hook to: inside-mobile-header then use a GB Headline Block to add the Site Title text you want.

    Once you have the icons and the title in there, let me know.

  • mba_generatepress

    Thank you David!

    finally inserted only the additionel mobile titel, because the icons were too much.
    Could you please provide me a CSS code, to sort the elements on mobile.

    Logo left, on the right side Search and Navigation burger menu.
    Under those elements the new title in centered.

    And one more question: actually the header jumps some pixels to the left when I start scrolling the screen. How can I stop this?

    Thank you!

  • Hi there,

    Could you give the Paragraph Block in your Block Element a class of mobile-custom-title? Adding Custom Classes:

    Also, in that Block Element, you have an extra empty Paragraph Block. Could you delete that?

  • mba_generatepress

    Done and also deleted the paragraph block. But it seems like, the css part is not finished yet.

  • I can’t see the CSS class added, but once you’ve added it, try adding this through Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS:

    nav#mobile-header {
        order: 3;
        margin-left: auto;
        margin-right: auto;
  • mba_generatepress

    It looks perfect on customizer, but not on the mobile device.
    For testing I deleted the search button, which is still shown on the mobile device, not in the customizer.

  • I can’t seem to see the CSS I asked you to add. Do you have any caching/optimization plugins? Could you try disabling them to test?

  • mba_generatepress

    Thanks for patience! Caching is now disabled

  • Where did you add the CSS?

  • mba_generatepress

    Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS

  • I am not seeing Fernandos CSS in the Additional CSS. Can you make sure the customizer changes were saved and not saved to Draft ?

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