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Mobile Menu – Hook Element

  • Hi there,

    I wanted to design our current mobile menu header, I designed it using a hook element. But I was not satisfied with the navigation menu. I wanted to see something ike drop down on the menu, when you click the hamburger menu, it has a limited option in designing the navigation. Thank you

  • Hi there,

    Why not just use GP’s mobile header instead of creating a custom one?

  • Hi Ying,
    I am now using the GP’s mobile header, but I have a question regarding with the sub-memu’s we have right now. I wanted it to make when you click the main menu the submenu should be pushing down the next main menu to see the submenu. Right now what is happening, when you click the main menu the submenu is showing on the top of the main menu. Do you have any documentation on how to do that? I hope my question is clear but I will be attaching a sample website here.

  • Right now what is happening, when you click the main menu the submenu is showing on the top of the main menu

    No, that’s not the case, the submenu is below the parent menu and push down the next parent menu.

    . I wanted it to make when you click the main menu the submenu should be pushing down the next main menu to see the submenu.

    This is the default behaviour, it is like this now, I’m not sure what you mean. Can you explain some more?

  • Your screenshot requires access validation, please upload the screenshot to and share the link with us.

    And you are not using slideout nav, so I can not see the issue, please re-enable the slideout nav for me to check.

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