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Mobile Menu – Transition Issue

  • Hello,

    If you visit my website (link shared as private information) on mobile, you will see the menu not closing correctly.

    When you open it, the transition is smooth and without any issues.

    But when you try to close it, there is a slight pause before it closes completely.

    Kindly let me know how to fix it, as I can’t find the code where I need to make the changes.

    Thank you.

  • Hi there,

    in your Child Theme CSS you have this rule:

    .slideout-navigation.main-navigation {
        width: 100% !important;
        max-width: 90%;
        color: #fff;
        bottom: 0;
        position: fixed !important;
        box-shadow: 0 0 2rem 0 rgba(0,0,0,.1);
        display: flex;
        flex-direction: column;
    	transition: transform .3s cubic-bezier(.77, .2, .05, 1), opacity .25s cubic-bezier(.77, .2, .05, 1), -webkit-transform .3s cubic-bezier(.77, .2, .05, 1) !important;

    Remove the:

    width: 100% !important;
    max-width: 90%;

    And then add this CSS:

    body {
        --gp-slideout-width: 90%;

    This sets the width of the navigation slideout , and handles all the sliding in and out for you.

  • Thanks. It worked.

  • Glad to hear that

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