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Off-Canvas Menu Button Link

  • conversioncopy

    I have an issue with customizing the text color of an off-canvas button link. The button is a custom element with dark blue text on a yellow background. It displays correctly in my Elements. When I hook the button to the off-canvas menu, the text’s initial color changes to white, and the hover changes to that dark blue. When I remove the link from the button, the text changes to the correct dark blue color. I’ve looked through all customizer settings and can’t find anything that would cause this behavior. The button is identical to the one in the top navbar of the desktop menu. That one displays all colors correctly. What am I doing wrong? Thanks 🙂

  • Hi there,

    You are doing it correctly, the reason that the color isn’t working is that the CSS from GP premium has higher priority and it can not be overridden by GB’s buttons style.

    You will need to add this CSS:

    .slideout-navigation {
        color: var(--base-2);
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