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Padding questions

  • Hi,

    I’m new to Generate Press and I need some help with padding. I’ve got two pages that use multiple rows of columns separated by separator lines – these pages are ‘Works’ and ‘Events’.

    I would like to be able to play around with the padding for both these pages on both the desktop and mobile versions of the site. In particular to target the following:

    – Bring H2 headers down towards the separator lines so that they are almost touching the line.
    – Reduce padding (or line height?) for the paragraph text within an individual column block.
    – Bring the entire column block up closer to the separator lines.

    Any advice is appreciated.

  • Hi there,

    You are using the WP core blocks, we don’t have control over that, I would recommend using GenerateBlocks plugin, it has all the settings you need, no CSS is required.

  • Understood. I’ve got the GenerateBlocks plugin installed and I’ve now changed the events page to the grid blocks instead of the columns. However, I still need a bit more guidance with the settings. Here are a few things that are muddling me:

    1. The H2 year dates on the events page (i.e. 2025 etc) – I’ve managed to bring these down closer to the separator line by reducing padding and margins of the container to 0 and setting a very low maximum height for the container. The text itself is now sort of hanging down outside of the container (?). The gap has been closed but I’m not sure if this strategy was the best practice.

    2. Is there a way to target padding around the separator lines? While I can modify the heights of the containers around the text this usually affects the bottom margins – I can’t seem to move the entire grid block upwards a fraction so that it’s positioned closer to the separator line above it. In short, I’m wondering if I can close the gap between the grid blocks and separator lines on this page.

    Any thoughts on the above would be great.

  • Hi there.

    To cover both , i would suggest DO NOT USE the separator for this.
    Instead select the GB Headline Block.
    In the Block Settings > Borders you add a Bottom Border.

    For the spacing before and after the border.
    Edit the Headlines > Spacing.
    Add Bottom Padding to put space between the text and border
    Add Bottom Margin to put space after the border

    You can use this method with Container blocks too.

  • What a genius solution, thank you! Solved all my problems!

  • Glad to be of help 🙂

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