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Problem with the page width (scrolling mobile)

  • FlorianWestermann


    I am currently working on a new blog design and have already installed it on a test site.

    On the smartphone (iPhone 14 Pro Max) I have the problem in Google Chrome and Safari that you can move the page to the left and right when scrolling down.

    How can I make the page stay fixed?

    I have used Generate Press “Explore” as a template. This works without any problems on another page.

    best regards

  • Hi there,

    Can you give this CSS a try?

    p.comment-form-comment {
        display: flex;
        flex-direction: column;

    Adding CSS:

  • FlorianWestermann

    Hi Ying,

    perfect, it works!

    Thank you 🙂

  • You are welcome   🙂

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