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Querry Loop with Presto Player videos semi-broken

  • I have a website where I am using a query loop to display Presto Player videos. When I built it there was no problem using Presto Player videos. It still displays the videos on the front, but now the settings in the editing screen won’t allow me to connect to the Presto Player custom post types anymore. And, there is a weird WP code coming up under each of the videos on the front end.
    In the private information I included a Loom video explaining the issue.

  • Hi there,

    It’s possible that the shortcode appearing under the video is coming from a plugin that is now deactivated. Have you previously used any other code snippets plugin? Judging by the shortcode prefix, it seems to be coming from WPCode.

  • Thank you. Yes. I used to have that installed, but I removed it to replace it with FluentSnipits. I Had to go through the database to remove every piece of wpcode code that was left embedded all over the place and that fixed the shortcode showing on the video page. Unfortunately, I still cannot edit the query loop on the video page like I could before. Still testing, hoping for a solution soon.

  • Hi there,

    if I edit that page, and switch to the code editor view to see the blocks HTML I see this:

    I assume the only block originally added to the query loop post template was a core Post Content block.
    As thats the HTML for it…. what could be the issue is in WordPress 6.x , they blocked that from being used in anywhere other then the core query loop block or in a block theme template.

    Hmmm…. which means if you delete it ( from the HTML ) it may fix the issue BUT you won’t be able to add the block back.

    Do you have a staging site option where this edit could be tested without affecting your live site ?

  • Hello David. Thank you for taking a look. I know that I can’t add it back once deleted because I used to have a video title in there too. I removed it thinking I could add it back, then made the mistake of exiting the page before undoing what I did, and now it’s gone forever.

    I guess my best next option is to try and build it again with the core query loop block.

    I wish I knew more about why I could configure the GB query loop to display the videos, but now, nothing seems to work like it did before. I guess the WP update just kinda killed it all.

  • I can’t say if that block is the “issue” here, I am just aware of the changes WP made.
    What happens if you create a draft page and add Query Loop to that, does the Presto player posttype appear in the parameters ?

  • Hello Again David,

    Thanks for your help so far.

    I did go through and create a test page and query loops, both GB and WP, but I have had no luck so far getting back to what I had set up previously.

    The WP Content widget is completely cut off from GB, in fact, it doesn’t even show in the options when working with a GB query loop. And it blocks you from dragging and dropping it from a WP query loop.

    The previous option in the GB query loop to pull PrestoPlayer videos is not available anymore, and the WP query loop doesn’t recognize PrestoPlayer custom post types either.

    Loom Video:

    I even tried dropping in a GreenShift query loop and no luck there either.

    I am wondering if there was an update with PrestoPlayer that is now blocking it from being seen as a CPT because everything worked when I originally built the GB query loop, and now PrestoPlayer is not available in any query loop.

    I think I am down to just having to create a grid and manually add every video to it because I simply can’t find a work-around to get back to what I had before.

    Thanks in advance for any ideas or feedback that can help.

  • Can you recall the last time you saw the Presto Player post type available for selection under the Query Loop post type? This is because I’ve tried installing previous versions of GenerateBlocks and Presto Player to see if it’s possible to query the Presto Player query loop, but I couldn’t find the option.

  • Alvind,

    I can only guess that it was about 9 -12 months ago that I set the original query loop up. If I remember correctly, I was able to set it all up easily back when I built it.


  • That’s been a while, and there have probably been numerous updates by Presto Player that have stopped it from being queryable. As far as our end is concerned, there haven’t been any major changes in how we can query a post type.

    Does PrestoPlayer not have a native way to create archives for videos, possibly through a shortcode or something similar?

  • Unfortunately, Presto only has a native way to create a playlist, but not to create an archive-style page. I searched for this previously, both before I did the query loop, and again many times in the past few days. Thanks for your feedback and help.

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