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Remove space between header and content container

  • I have a free generatepress theme and a paid gb plugin.

    I am not able to remove the space below the header and before the content container.
    Can’t figure out where its coming from. I tried to set top margin to zero on the first element. I have set the container to full width.
    I tried moving the content into both a section and a container and things did not change.
    I purged the cache.

    No solution even from the forum.
    I did read this specific article too (from the previous thread on the topic below)

    Not sure what I am doing wrong, if you could put me in the right direction I would really appreciate it!


  • Hi there,

    Your site requires user/pw to see, can you provide that?

    Let me know πŸ™‚

  • Sorry for this. I thought I had deactivated it.

    Username: television
    Password: previous

  • Selecting Full Width for the Content Container option should remove that space:

    You would want to do that anyway as you have lots of full-width sections on that page.

    You are currently using the alignfull option to do that which will likely create horizontal scroll issue.

    Please set them all back to default after the Full Width option is selected for the Content Container.

    Let me know if this helps πŸ™‚

  • I am confused as I have set the container to full at the block level. But I can’t see a full option on the customizer. My Layout section looks different from the one displayed in the article.

    I am not sure where I have set the ALIGNFULL option. I can see the horizontal scroll and was actually sure I was gonna be able to remove it somehow. But I am not so sure anymore.

  • The Content Container option can be found in the Layout metabox:

    The Block Alignment option is under the Layout panel of the Container:

  • AAAH! Now i understand! I was into the customizer. Had not realized there was an option on the page settings. You are a super star.

    Thanks! Its all sorted now. Both issues.
    Will close this. Have a great day and thanks again

  • No problem πŸ™‚

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